Effective hair loss treatment

Quality hair loss solutions for men and women
Men and women can lose their hair due to hormonal changes, allergies, medication and medical treatments. At CR Lab, we take a great pride in providing excellent hair loss solutions, honest advice as well as support when required.
We aim to restore confidence to clients suffering debilitating hair loss from alopecia, chemotherapy, burns, illness or any other issues, giving them a high-quality second scalp hair replacement treatment. We specialise in CNC hair replacement systems and medical grade second scalps with 3D printing technology. Get in contact with us for an initial detailed consultation.
Why Choose Us?
CNC Medical Grade 3D Hair Prosthetic
Second Scalp
Caring & qualified staff
Hair loss specialists
Treatments in a safe and secure environment
High-quality natural look
Hair Extensions
Scalp Stimulation Massage
Hair loss is on the rise
The modern age of social media makes us all more self-conscious. Hair loss from all forms of alopecia, genetic hereditary conditions etc can damage our confidence & lower self-esteem. Here at CR Lab Liverpool, we offer a wide range of non-surgical hair replacement solutions. To book a no-obligation consultation & restore your confidence contact us at info@helpdeskcrlab.com

My Story
I am not blessed with genetically thick, strong and full hair resulting in many years since my late teens feeling self-conscious about it. The only immediate solution for me was the addition of hair extensions.
Years later I also had 2 hair transplant procedures completed and both transplants to my disappointment failed. So back to hair extensions, it was for me. Following further research into the causes of my hair loss and the study of trichology I discovered the CNC second scalp system.Since having my own laser printer prosthesis fitted I haven't looked back, it truly has revolutionised how I feel about myself and immediately transformed how I look.
The very 1st thing I must be clear on is the CNC system is not in anyway to be compared or mistaken for a wig- it is an individually created direct copy of your your scalp, therefore referred to as a second scalp.
Hair loss specialists you can rely on
Are hair loss or scalp problems causing you to be less confident? For quality 3D Medical Grade CNC second scalp prosthetic and scalp treatments, contact CR Lab. We use the most advanced system in the world using up to date and modern 3D technology, so you can live life without compromise!